Meet our Writers & Experts.
On this page, you’ll find our writers and editors. We’re very proud to have worked with so many talented people and we’d like to introduce you. Our writers populate our website with content that helps you make the best financial decisions. Our experts provide expert commentary and make sure all of the content you read is accurate, helpful and up to date. If you would like to join our team as a writer, click here. If you would like to join our team as an expert, click here.
Courtney Shea is a journalist in Toronto specializing in culture, women's issues and celebrity interviews.
Stephanie Hughes is a business writer and financial journalist in the Canadian markets.
Brennan Doherty is a Toronto-based writer. His work has appeared in the Toronto Star, VICE, the National Post, and elsewhere.
Subramanian Harikumar is a Toronto-based writer with a knack for data research and storytelling.